La Plantation

Visit the

Planning a trip to Cambodia or already in the Kampot region? La Plantation is a social and responsible agrotourism site, open every day of the year. A unique opportunity to discover how the famous Kampot Pepper, local spices, fruits and plants are grown and processed.

book your experience

Free guided tours and tastings are organised every day. Reservations are not required. Only Khmer cooking classes need to be booked in advance.
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Discover the farm

Guided Tour & Tasting

Upon arrival, you will be greeted by our tour guides who will inform you about the activities available at La Plantation. Your guide will take you on a tour of the pepper and spice plantation and fruit garden, while explaining our organic farming methods. You will understand why Kampot Pepper has been elected the best pepper in the world by chefs and gourmets. During the pepper and spice tasting, we will share with you some tips and recipes for cooking at home with La Plantation spices.

  • Free guided tour
  • Last visit at 4pm
Pancartes dans la Plantation

The Restaurant

Our menu offers you a variety of our spices for a tasting of our Khmer specialties, such as beef or aubergine Lok Lak with Kampot Pepper, beef soup with cardamom, sautéed rice or green mango salad.

For dessert, don’t miss our delicious Kampot Pepper ice cream.

La Plantation Restaurant

Khmer cooking classes (paying option)

Discover how to cook traditional Khmer dishes. The chef introduces you to the local herbs, roots and spices. You will make the real coconut milk from the fresh fruit, then make the curry paste and the different dishes proposed by the chef: Fish Amok, Vegetable Curry and Mango Salad.

A vegetarian version is possible for the Amok, please specify this when booking.

You can enjoy your cooked dishes in the restaurant, in the middle of our garden.

Reservation required at least 24 hours in advance.

Ingrédients pour recette cambodgienne

Protection of Khmer architectural heritage

Preserving the Khmer architectural heritage is at the heart of our project. Traditional wooden architecture is disappearing from the Cambodian rural landscape, so we decided to save different types of Khmer houses and reassemble them on our property.

Salachan traditionnelle

The tropical garden around the 5 senses

Our tropical garden will introduce you to plant species from Cambodia and other tropical regions, the way people use them and their history, through a journey that will take you through the five senses.

Cactus du Cambodge


+855 (0)17 84 25 05


More info

Open daily from 9am to 5pm (last visit at 4pm)

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