On vous dit tout sur notre certification ISO22000

We tell you all about our ISO22000 certification

Today we're talking about our 22000 certification, a crucial step for La Plantation, Cambodia's only certified spice producer!
We tell you all about our ISO22000 certification

What is ISO22000 Certification?

ISO22000 is an international standard specifically developed for the management of food safety.

Why is ISO22000 certification important?

ISO22000 certification is crucial for companies in the food industry to assure consumers that the products they purchase are safe and comply with international food safety standards.

Why is ISO22000 certification important at La Plantation?

At La Plantation, we initiated a food safety certification program over five years ago. This is a lengthy process that requires the mobilisation of all teams at La Plantation and rigorous daily monitoring. Our commitment to this approach guarantees that the peppers, spices, sauces, or plants you consume have undergone quality control processes at every stage, from our farm to your plate.

The process to achieve food safety certification at Kampot Farm

 For those who haven’t yet visited La Plantation in Kampot, Cambodia, imagine a farm and production centre at the end of a dirt road in the Cambodian countryside. Our farm and production employees are mostly Cambodians living in nearby houses and villages. We assembled a team of quality engineers who studied Food Engineering at Cambodia’s top university: the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (which offers courses in English and French, with the best students receiving scholarships to study at partner universities in France, Belgium, or other Asian countries). Our Quality team plays a cross-functional role in the company, ensuring quality control and hygiene at all stages.

Achieving this certification was a real challenge for a family business like ours, but we are very proud of our Cambodian team, who succeeded in obtaining this certification from SGS, an internationally recognised certification body.

packaging des épices de la plantation

How does ISO22000 certification apply at La Plantation?

Food safety standards at the Farm

t all starts at the farm, where our organic certification ensures that crops are grown using only natural fertilisers and pesticides, are GMO-free, and that harvested products undergo no irradiation. Our farming teams are regularly trained to adhere to daily hygiene measures necessary for the quality of harvested products. Fresh products from our farm or our network of family farms are inspected before processing.

ISO22000 standards in production

In production, we process peppers, roots, plants, or flowers on the day they are harvested. The quality of our spices relies on their freshness and the care taken in choosing the best processing methods to preserve their organoleptic qualities and colour. The drying of spices is a crucial step. We prefer gentle, natural sun drying or low-temperature drying. The Quality Control team has developed a unique process for each product, using measuring instruments to monitor temperature, humidity levels, and water activity. An expert team is responsible for tasting each product after processing, sampling everything from the mildest spice to the hottest chilli daily.

emballage des produits de la plantation

Quality control for export

During the export of products by cargo or for sale at the farm and in the domestic market, our quality teams inspect each batch of products before packaging. Physical, visual, and sensory analysis ensures that only high-quality products are selected. Throughout these operations, our teams also ensure that the strictest hygiene standards are applied and that cleaning schedules for premises, machines, and instruments are meticulously followed. The products are then stored in controlled environments and shipped according to demand.

Traceability from farm to table

To ensure consistent quality in each packet you order, we have developed a unique traceability system, from the plot on our farm to the individual package. In the event of a problem, this allows us to quickly identify possible causes, isolate the identified batch, and implement corrective actions. A computer system for tracking batch numbers has been specially designed and developed by La Plantation. Throughout the year, a program of product testing and sampling is conducted through tests in accredited laboratories.

ISO22000, a significant step for La Plantation

This certification marks an important milestone for La Plantation’s history. We are the only spice producer in the country to have achieved this certification, a guarantee of the quality of our products and our processing methods, which adhere to the highest food safety standards. This allows us to export our products to over 40 countries worldwide. This certification is our guiding principle and a strong commitment at all levels of the company to provide you with high-quality peppers, spices, plants, flowers, sauces, and fruits.


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