Vos 6 épices préférées de 2021 : Notre top

Your 6 favorite spices of 2021 : Our top

2021 was a year full of events, spices, and new creations. We wished to thank you for such a lovely year, and for your continuous support.
Your 6 favorite spices of 2021 : Our top

Our Flower or Turmeric in powder: flowery and peppery

Those who smelled and tasted turmeric know that their aroma is flowery and complex. At La Plantation, because it’s rich in curcumin, (more than 14%), our Flower of Turmeric is extraordinarily aromatic! It’s also much stronger in benefits that are present within curcumin, its active ingredient. Ideal companion for the Winter, its action is even reinforced when combined with our Black Kampot Pepper (thanks to its piperin); a tremendous cocktail for a winter boost. Intense, our Flower of Turmeric can be compared to a subtle aromatic blend of pepper, orange and ginger.

Don’t hesitate to add it into your winterly warm beverages, in your sauteed veggies or to marinade your meats — it’s a truly versatile spice who will certainly spice up your everyday cooking!

Our Leather of Long Pepper: warm and spicy

You already know our Long Pepper, and this year you loved its Leather version. Its fruits are harvested by hand at full maturity. They are then cleaned and sun-dried in strips. It’s through this method, completely natural, that we obtain crisp and spicy chips. Sensational, it’s very sweet first in the palate and reveals warm and spicy notes, of gingerbread and speculoos.
We love to add it in small chunks on a duck carpaccio, or a shrimp salad, but it also works great to infuse in long-cooking dishes, in quince confits, onion jams, and even desserts in chocolate fondant.

Our Forest Cardamom: camphorated and mentholated

You might already know Cardamom, but you never tried a Cardamom like this. Endemic to the region, it’s a species that grows wild in the tropical forests of the Cardamom mountains. In fact, our Cardamoms come from the region that bear their very name! Our pickers collect their fruits at full maturity and then dry them in a smokehouse. It’s through this process that their peppery and mentholated aroma develop a slight smoky note. Finally, our grains of Cardamom are extracted from their envelope and selected by hand, and packed immediately to preserve their intense flavour.
True little nugget of Oriental flavours, in Turkey they are traditionally added to coffee, in India and Iran they flavour desserts such as rice pudding and crème brulées, and in Northern Europe it adds a spicy note to brioches and gingerbreads. We love to add it to our compotes, a true warming pleasure for the winter months!

Our Smoked White Kampot Pepper: smoked and mild

Did you know that our White Kampot Pepper is one of the only peppers in the world that is produced from red peppercorns at full maturity? It’s the true particularity of this pepper that offers a much more subtle aroma than the other white peppers. Just as its unsmoked version, it doesn’t colour the dishes and is thus an ideal partner for white fishes, and st jacques, as well as potato or parsnip purées. This Smoked version makes it a true pepper of character, with mentholated flavours, and a great balance, that leaves a slight note of toasted rice in the palate.

Our Moringa Leaves in powder: round and beneficent

Nicknamed ‘the tree of life’, Moringa leaves are traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine, and are particularly rich in minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium), as well as vitamins (A, C, E), and antioxidants. You got it, Moringa is the new superfood to try asap! After being harvested by hand, they are selected and cleaned immediately before being dehydrated at low temperature, and then grinded into a fine powder. This method allows us to keep both its aroma and benefits. Our Moringa reveals greens and slightly spicy notes, with a touch of spinach. With is beautiful green colour, it combines perfectly juices and green smoothies, for a true detox post-Holidays.

Our Pandan Leaves in powder: sweet and comforting

You might already know as the ‘Asian vanilla’ because it releases similar flowery notes. In Cambodia, Pandan is an unmissable ingredient of traditional cooking, to colour desserts. Used in a similar way that matcha is in Japan, you might have already tried it in South East Asia in a surprising pastel-green cake. You can discover our Pandan in an infusion but also in a powder form, to make it extra-easy to add into sweet preparations such as crepe or cake batters, where it will add a sweet perfume and a pretty coloration!


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