Poivre de Kampot Rouge frais au sel
Poivre de Kampot Rouge frais au sel
Poivre de Kampot Rouge frais au sel
Poivre de Kampot Rouge frais au sel
Poivre de Kampot Rouge frais au sel
Poivre de Kampot Rouge frais au sel
Poivre de Kampot Rouge frais au sel

Fresh salted red Kampot Pepper PGI


Picked when fully ripe, the red Kampot peppercorns are de-stemmed by hand and then fermented with salt. The seeds are then crushed in a mortar and pestle to be used directly on your dishes.

Victim of its success

4.75/5 (4 customer reviews)
About us

Fresh Salted Red Kampot Pepper is

an exclusive product

The red Kampot peppercorns are scalded and undergo a complex process of fermentation with Kampot salt, developed at La Plantation. This is an exclusive creation, which we developed following the success of our bestseller: fresh green Kampot pepper with salt. This fermentation enhances the flavour of fresh red pepper, with sweet, fruity notes and lots of freshness.

There’s no need to grind it – La Plantation’s red pepper with fermented salt is crushed and ready to use.

It goes wonderfully well with meats and pasta (a ‘Cacio et Pepe‘ with fresh red pepper in salt is miraculous!). It’s a ready-to-use condiment for your salads, especially raw fennel salads, tabbouleh and grated carrots. It adds both a peppery and salty touch! It’s an essential for everyday cooking, and very handy when you don’t have much time to cook, as it adds a rich palette of flavours in an instant. You can even sprinkle it on prepared dishes when you haven’t had a chance to cook.

Red peppercorns with fermented salt can be sprinkled without moderation, and even on desserts – it goes particularly well with chocolate mousse and fruit salads such as pears.

Red Kampot pepper with fermented salt should be kept in the fridge, just like green Kampot Pepper with salt! To preserve the freshness and crunchiness of these products made with salt. You can pour it into a closed jar, or pour the small sachet inside the tubes into this food-safe kraft container. This way, it will retain all its flavour and aroma.

  • Available formats, click below

    500g , 50g Tube
  • Variety

    Piper Nigrum L. L
  • Origin

    Kampot PGI – Cambodia. La Plantation is a Certified Kampot Pepper Producer (KPPA ID: P-3-002-001)
  • Ingredients

    Fresh Red Kampot Pepper, Salt
  • Aroma

    strong, fruity red pepper aroma
  • Spice-Food Pairing

    Ricotta, tomato-mozzarella, steamed fish papillotes, pasta
  • DDM

    24 months
  • Conservation

    After opening the bag, place the Fresh Red Pepper in a jar and store in the refrigerator.
  • Allergen

    Allergy free

Red Kampot pepper with fermented salt has sweet, fruity notes that are enhanced by the fermentation process. Like all our salt-fermented peppers, you’ll be surprised by the touch of freshness that emerges.

Delivery in France (48h) and in Europe (3/5 days)

Free delivery for orders over €80

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Direct producer

Customer reviews


3 reviews for Fresh salted red Kampot Pepper PGI

  1. French


    Non seulement lepoivre de KAMPOT est extra, mais ça permet de faire des cadeaux originaux et très abordables (entre 8 et 10 € ) à pleins d'amis en prenant les pots de 50g trsè bien présentés. Livraison offerte dès 80 €, rapidement et sans aucun problèmes.

    François B.

  2. French
    Explosion de saveursPoivre absolument délicieux, parfait pour ajouter une touche savoureuse aux viandes poissons, fromages frais ou foie gras. À déguster sans modération !

    Kevin D.

  3. French

    Rouge kampot

    Frais et délicieux. Nous l'avons saupoudré sur du fois gras pour les contrastes doux/piquant et mou/ croquant.

    Odile M.

  4. French

    Poivre rouge au sel

    Ce poivre rouge au sel est sensas’ tout comment les autres…

    Patrick L.

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